Under implementation CLAIND S.R.L. GREEN - background
News & Events 12/06/2023

Under implementation CLAIND S.R.L. GREEN


Under implementation Claind s.r.l. Green, the energy efficiency plan devised by Claind in order to achieve a reduction in company consumption and optimise both the resources used and their economic impact.

The heart of the project is the acquisition and installation of a photovoltaic system with a total capacity of 92.12 kWp. The objective is the autonomous achievement of the energy required for production, using renewable sources.

In order to achieve a more incisive level of consumption efficiency, further investments are planned: the purchase of high-efficiency heat pumps to replace the current winter air-conditioning systems and relamping, aimed at the installation of low-consumption LED fixtures to replace traditional lighting.

An ad hoc home automation system will also be purchased and implemented to ensure greater energy savings on the one hand, and accurate and constant monitoring of production line consumption on the other.

The project is being developed with the support of the Bando Investimenti per la Ripresa 2022 Linea Efficienza Energetica del Processo Produttivo delle Micro e Piccole Imprese Artigiane (Investment for Recovery 2022 Energy Efficiency Line of the Production Process of Micro and Small Craftsmen Enterprises) and financed under the POR-FESR 2014-2020.

Under implementation CLAIND S.R.L. GREEN - image

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